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Grandparent's Page:  Being a grandparent is in a class of its own.  While you are a very central relative, most grandparents don’t have the responsibility associated with parenthood, just the fun.

Click the Grandparent's Page link to discover the rhymes acknowledges what being a grandparent means and how to view and enjoy this relationship.

Recommended sites that educate, and entertain

Drugwatch for Children:  Drugwatch is a free resource where parents and caregivers can go to find out the health concerns that come with age and how they can help their little ones maintain a safe, informed and healthy life. 

Tuck Sleep: is a community devoted to improving sleep hygiene, health and wellness through the creation and dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources. Check out their portal featuring the best bedtime stories for children along with their guide to making sure your kids get healthy sleep. 

If Not You, Who?:  Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life! You can check it out at:

Red Apple Reading helps children become successful readers with serious learning that's seriously fun! Game-based reading instruction recommended for children ages 4 to 8.

Gifted Matters For Kids: Enhancing the Lives of Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Learners!

Kids Dig NY: Young archaeologists experience authentic field archaeology beginning with surface collections that help them determine the best site for the initial test pits. Children measure grids using GPS coordinates and determine the depth below datum using a plumb-bob. They meticulously log their collections in their log books. Once they find an artifact it remains in-situ while the artifact is brushed and cataloged. The dig concludes as the artifacts are curated for the student museum  For fun information about books and reading!

Sandman Book Co:  Signed copies of the Garden of Verses are available at Sandman Book Company, Southwest Florida's largest independent bookshop.

Parents Page

The goal of this website is:

To generate a love of reading, augment vocabulary and develop compassion though stories in rhyme. In other words:

"Teach’em right so they won’t do wrong!"

What’s on this website?

There are four books and four Word Warriors (or learning tools)  on this site. This site is appropriate for beginning readers as well as fluent readers.  Also, the rhymes are meant to give parents the opportunity not only to read them to their child, but also to discuss the factual as well as conceptual information contained in these stories in rhyme. 

"Animals You’d Love if You Knew Them"
The magic of the animal kingdom is enriched by tracking down of unique animals and teaching some surprising facts about their behavior and demeanor.  Videos of the animals permit children to appreciate them, while the animal drawings give children a way to daydream about them in an imaginative way.

"Book of U"
By using an A-Z  format, the first letter that starts a child’s first and last name is the springboard to discuss what positive attributes to  which children should aspire.  Videos and songs supplement this.

"Garden of Verses"

Rhymes describing romping dogs rumpling rugs to how to stop bulling are merely the tip of the iceberg in this homage to Robert Louis Stevenson famed author of “Treasure Island”.  Along with artwork’s visual representation of the message, these rhymes will inspire and support what every parent wishes their child to understand.

Five Word Warrior Super-Heros 

Daring, brave, and smart these Word Warriors all have some special skill that enhances reading, writing and reaching for a child's most creative stars.